Teaching Kids to

Create with Technology


Welcome to Our

Online Learning Platform
For Kids Coding

Learn to Code At Home with our
Step-By-Step Video Lessons

Get Hands-On with Technology at
one of our Workshops or Camps

Courses suitable for Classroom Learning with Step-By-Step Lessons

Busy Parents

We have designed our learning platform with you in mind. All of our courses are convenient, affordable and tailored to you and your child’s needs.

Our lessons are available on-demand, so your child can code whenever suits your family.

Every child learns at a different pace. Our lessons allow your child experiment, explore and code at their own pace.

Our lessons are available online, so no need to chauffeur them around!

Kids Learn Life-Long Skills Through Coding

Busy Teachers

Empower your class with digital skills for the future with our online schools programme, suitable for classroom learning

Our lessons are available on-demand offering you the flexibility to fit them around your own class schedule.

Our schools coding programme is a streamlined solution to address your STEM education needs.

Our step-by-step video lessons are designed for your class to watch, pause and code themselves. No need to worry, every step is clearly explained.

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Why The Code Lab?

The Code Lab’s online learning platform offers a variety of coding and computer science courses and lessons to empower children with digital skills for the future.

Children interact with technology everyday, they watch, listen and play with all types of tech, but they are merely consumers.

At The Code Lab, we teach kids to be creative with and creators of technology. We do this by teaching them child-friendly coding languages that are easy to understand, with graphical features that make coding fun and engaging.

Kids Love Us & Parents Trust Us

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We Have Been Featured

The Code Lab on RTE Radio 1

Founder and CEO of The Code Lab, Joan McCann joined Brendan Courtney on the RTE Radio 1 Ryan Tubridy Show on Wednesday 16th August.

Joan was joined by Caroline Reidy of TheHRSuite to promote the launch of the next round of ACORNS 9, a highly successful peer support initiative supported by the Department of Agriculture, Food and The Marine, focusing on early-stage female entrepreneurs living in rural Ireland.

It’s a fantastic interview outlining the ACORNS Programme and Joan’s Journey to Entrepreneurship.