We Teach Kids To Code
At The Code Lab, we teach children to create with technology by teaching them to code.
Our STEM focused online coding platform allows kids to code along with our step-by-step lessons at their own pace.
What Is Code?
Computer Code is a set of instructions to a computer or a smart device to do something. We use a Coding Language to give these instructions to a computer.
There are Fun Colourful Coding Languages designed especially for young children to explore the world of coding and computer science. We teach a number of these coding languages in The Code Lab…



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Scratch is a programming language and online community where children can program and share interactive stories, games and animations with people from all over the world.
Scratch is designed especially for young kids age 8 to 16, but people of all ages create and share with Scratch. Younger children may like to try ScratchJr, a simplified version of Scratch, designed for ages 5 to 7.
BBC micro:bit
The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that lets you get creative with digital technology. You can code, customise and control the micro:bit from anywhere. With it’s LED lights, motion detector, a built-in compass, sensors and Bluetooth technology, the possibilities are endless.
Checkout this video from BBC to get an idea of the types of cool things you can make and code with the micro:bit, or get in touch, we’re happy to help.

Microsoft MakeCode
Microsoft MakeCode is a free coding platform for creating engaging computer science learning experiences. Students new to coding can start with block-based coding where they can drag and drop coloured coding blocks onto their workspace to construct their programs. When they are ready, students can move into a full-featured script coding editor with code snippets, tooltips and error detection to help them.
An interactive simulator provides students with immediate feedback on how their program is running and makes it easy to test and debug their code.
MakeCode Arcade
MakeCode Arcade is a code editor to build Retro Arcade games for browsers and handheld consoles. Beginners will start with block-based coding in MakeCode Arcade, where blocks snap into each other to define the program that your Arcade will run. This game can run on the built-in simulator or can be downloaded to an arcade handheld console if you have one.

Benefits of Coding For Kids
There are so many benefits to teaching children to code at a young age. Watch Our Short Video To Find Out More…
As well as learning how to code their own unique masterpiece, kids learn skills they can take with them throughout their lives.
Coding offers kids a platform to express themselves, be creative and artistic, and opens up a World of Possibilities for them to Explore.
Kids Learn Life-Long Skills Through Coding
- Improve Your Self-Esteem
- Gain a Sense of Ownership
- Persevere When Things Don't Work
- How to Solve Problems
- Become a Logical Thinker
- Improve Your Confidence
- Express Yourself Through Creativity
- Experiment with New Ideas
- Improve Your Math Skills
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